Integrating Website Maintenance with Overall IT Strategy

Effective website maintenance should not exist in isolation but should be an integral part of an organization’s overall IT strategy. This integration ensures that the website supports the broader business goals, while IT resources are optimized to support website functionality and security. Here’s how businesses can effectively integrate website maintenance into their overall IT strategy, often through the structure of an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC).

Align with Business Objectives

Identify Core Objectives: Understand the primary business objectives that the website needs to support, whether it’s generating leads, selling products, providing information, or serving as a customer engagement tool.

Tailor Maintenance to Goals: Website maintenance activities should directly support these objectives. For example, if the goal is to increase customer engagement, the AMC might focus on optimizing interactive features and performance metrics.

Coordinate with IT Infrastructure

Shared Resources: Ensure that website hosting and maintenance are considered in the context of the broader IT infrastructure, such as network capabilities and data security protocols.

Data Integration: Websites often need to integrate with other business systems, like CRM software or e-commerce platforms. Maintenance should include ensuring these integrations are seamless and secure.

Emphasize Security Across the Board

Unified Security Practices: Website security measures should be in line with the organization’s overall IT security policies. This includes regular updates, vulnerability scans, and adherence to data protection regulations.

Proactive Security Planning: Part of the AMC should involve proactive security strategies, such as penetration testing and risk assessment, that align with the overall IT security framework.

Streamline Support and Technical Services

Centralized Support: Integrate website support with the broader IT support services to ensure quick resolution of issues and a consistent approach to user support.

Technical Synergies: Use the same teams or technology providers for website maintenance and other IT services to reduce overheads and improve service continuity.

Foster Continuous Improvement

Feedback Loops: Establish mechanisms to gather feedback from website users directly into the IT strategy planning. This can help in continuously refining the user experience and functionality based on actual user data.

Performance Metrics: Integrate website performance metrics into the overall IT performance monitoring. This helps in understanding the impact of website performance on overall business performance.

Incorporate Regulatory Compliance

Compliance Checks: Regularly review and update the website as part of the AMC to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, which should be a component of the organization’s broader compliance activities.

Accessibility Standards: Ensure the website meets international web accessibility standards, which should also be a consideration in the broader IT strategy, particularly in user interface design standards.

Plan for Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability: The maintenance plan should account for potential growth in website traffic and data volume, ensuring the infrastructure can handle increased loads without degradation in performance.

Flexibility: As business strategies evolve, so should the website. The AMC should allow for adjustments in maintenance scope to accommodate new business directions or technology trends.


Integrating website maintenance with an overall IT strategy creates a cohesive approach that enhances efficiency, security, and performance. It ensures that the website acts not just as a standalone entity but as a key component of the broader business strategy, fully supported by the organization’s IT capabilities. This holistic approach not only optimizes IT resources but also supports long-term business goals effectively.