Checklist for Annual Website Maintenance

Maintaining a website is crucial to ensure it remains functional, secure, and engaging for users. An Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) typically covers a comprehensive checklist that ensures all aspects of a website are optimally managed throughout the year. Whether you are establishing an AMC or planning to conduct annual maintenance yourself, this checklist will guide you through the essential tasks that should be completed to keep your website in top condition.

1. Update and Upgrade

  • Software Updates: Regularly update the content management system (CMS), plugins, and any third-party software to the latest versions.
  • Security Patches: Apply security patches promptly to protect your website from vulnerabilities.

2. Security Checks

  • Website Security Audit: Perform a thorough security audit to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
  • SSL Certificate Renewal: Check and renew SSL certificates to ensure that your website remains secure.
  • Firewall and Malware Scans: Review and update firewall settings and run malware scans to detect and remove any threats.

3. Performance Optimization

  • Website Speed Test: Conduct speed tests to identify areas for improvement and optimize them for faster loading times.
  • Database Optimization: Clean up the database by removing old, unused data or redundant entries to improve efficiency.
  • Broken Links Check: Scan and fix any broken links within the site to improve user experience and SEO.

4. Content Audit and Updates

  • Content Review: Go through the website content to update outdated information, improve clarity, and enhance relevance.
  • SEO Review: Update SEO elements like meta titles, descriptions, and keywords to reflect current best practices and target audience searches.
  • Accessibility Review: Ensure that the website complies with accessibility standards to make it usable for all visitors.

5. Backup and Recovery

  • Backup Verification: Regularly check that backups are being performed correctly and stored safely in multiple locations.
  • Recovery Drill: Periodically test recovery procedures to ensure that data can be restored quickly and accurately in an emergency.

6. Analytics and Reporting

  • Traffic Analysis: Review website analytics to understand visitor behavior, traffic sources, and potential content improvements.
  • Performance Reporting: Generate reports on website performance, uptime, and any incidents that occurred throughout the year.

7. User Experience (UX) Improvements

  • Feedback Collection: Gather and review user feedback on the website’s usability and functionality.
  • Usability Testing: Conduct usability tests to identify and address any navigational issues or user pain points.

8. Compliance Checks

  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that the website meets all relevant legal requirements, including data protection laws like GDPR or CCPA.
  • Policy Updates: Update privacy policies, terms of use, and any other legal documents as necessary.

9. Email and Domain Services

  • Domain Renewal: Check domain registration and renew as needed to ensure you do not lose your domain name.
  • Email Functionality: Test and maintain email services associated with your domain to ensure reliable communication.


Following this comprehensive checklist can help ensure that your website operates smoothly, remains secure, and continues to serve the needs of your users effectively. An Annual Maintenance Contract can streamline these tasks, providing peace of mind that all aspects of website maintenance are being handled professionally.